Ah, this novel has become the albatross hanging around my neck.... I need wind in my sails! Ha! Oh well, it's okay. It's like a big piece of cake I come back to now and again to take a bite out of. Eventually, I'll be done with the whole thing and, when people ask, I can still say it was a piece of cake to write -- eh? :)
At any rate, I'm off to my new start but I've been distracted with the daily struggles of life these past few months -- really working on the lowest rungs of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Now, things are settling down though and I've recently had more time to refocus on "my craft or sullen art...."
I'll start carrying a digital camera around with me and photographing things around town. As the pics collect, I'll post them here and on facebook to let anyone who might be interested have a look-see. [Thanks to Lucia Stanica for the inspiration to get me back to my shutterbug self again, btw.]